10. iPhone/iPod Woodtec Docking Station

via Woodtec on Etsy
9. Logitech 750i Master System
For urban nerds, the wannabe spy and/or safety obsessed. Sheldon Cooper would want this.

Via Unplggd
8. Hilary Bee's 3C's Granola Bars
Sustenance for the busy engineer. (Nothing like a little self promotion, right?)
7. The Chillpill
Two speakers, that click into each other. Inexpensive and Super cool, for the traveling geek.

Chillpill Audio found locally at MacTown
6. A Trip to Handmade Holiday Dayton
Local fun, with handmade arts, toys, crafts, and food. Every nerd needs a little fored socialization.

5. BookBook Case

By 12South
4. TRON Legacy
Even Mr. Radar wants to see it, and he hates action movies.

3.Quirky Digits Pins
Just pin to your favorite gloves, and iPhone, iTouch, iPad away. Cheap, too!

2. Just Mobile AluPen for iPad
So you don't get sticky baker fingers all over the pretty iPad screen. I don't know anybody that might have sticky fingers...

Via MobileMag- they have a very helpful reviews, too. Maybe you need a little advice for the Geek you love?
1. iPad
Mr. Radar is the biggest Apple fan out there. This is the ultimate nerd gift.

via Geeky Gadgets
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