I am moving. In fact, we are moving across the pond. I'm following my husband, Mr. Radar to the land of fish and chips. I have about 7 weeks to grab all my stuff, my dog, and my husband- and hop a plane to another world. I'm not really the expatriate or adventuresome type. I'm a wife, writer, and urban advocate. Mr. Radar is a bit of a mad-scientist, and is taking a three year research assignment in London. Many friends have asked me to chronicle our time in London.
This blog is my attempt. In the next weeks, I anticipate struggles as we say goodbye to our beloved home, bid our friends farewell for now, and try to navigate through our new world- sans a few boxes, of course.
Oh my gosh Hillary, how exciting!! You will have an amazing time, I could totally see you in London. Love that you started a blog, I'll be reading you!
Thanks so much, Jen! I'm very excited about London. I have always wanted to live abroad and try out the expatriate lifestyle.
Thanks for reading, and I'll be following your blog- I can't wait to hear about your adventures in Brooklyn!
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