Today, I'll be cleaning the bungalow and packing up the very last items. It's so bittersweet. I've loved my bungalow so very much. Mr. Radar likes the big house. He has an office and a man cave. He has been very cheerful. I'm sad to lose my kitchen. It truly is the most beautiful kitchen. Big house does have a big kitchen, but it's hardly functional at all. It has a terrible lay out and a few unusable drawers. It does have a gas oven and cooktop, which is a plus for me. To ease my pain, Mr. Radar got me a new Shark steam cleaning floor mop. It is so cool. It does my OCD heart good.

We did get a new washer and dryer from the bargain center at HHGreg. They have a whole section of appliances that are floor models, or returned, or slightly dinged. We got slightly dinged Frigidaire Affinity front loading washer and dryer. They are very nice and they were quite a steal. Just as nice as our LG Washer and Dryer at the Bungalow.

Mama Bee (Mr. Radar's mom) and I also managed to paint the master bedroom. Our renter, (who shall be known as the Librarian) helped out too. We still have so many rooms to go, so I'm hoping to shore up some more help. One of our friends suggested throwing a Pizza & Paint house warming party. Invite all our friends, tell them to bring paint brushes & rollers, feed them and give them alcohol. Oh, and of course, ask them to paint. It could work, right? What do you think?
Images from here and here
If I lived but a few hours closer, I would come booze and paint it up with you. I think that party sounds FUN! Offer people food and drink and you can usually get them to do just about anything.
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