Great stuff, huh? It's no secret that I'm passionate about local produce. I'm downright tyrannical. I will often go to 3-4 different markets a week. Mr. Radar, being the ever patient husband, obliges me. This week, though, I found everything that I wanted at 2nd Street.
There were quite a few surprises this week, including these delightful tart cherries from Flying Mouse Farms of Yellow Springs:
This is Flying Mouse's first appearance at 2nd Street. What a splash! I love, love tart cherries. Other shoppers scoffed at the cherries, because they "take too much work." I think that most Ohioans do not have a thorough appreciation of the tart cherry. As a Michigander, I was thrilled. I had tears in my eyes, my mind filled with fond Michigan Memories.
These beauties are from Hungry Toad farms. Mike Malone is delightful, and his produce is top notch. I've frequented his stand for about four years. Mike's farm is being encroached upon by suburban sprawl. Mike's been farming organically for over 30 years, and is resolved to keep his farm and fight the sprawl. Keep fighting, Mike!
Arugula and snap peas from Ben and Emily Jackle of Mile Creek Farms Mr. Radar and I befriended Ben and Emily several years ago. We love to support their business. They have fantastic produce and flowers. I especially like their Arugula in my pesto!
Lastly, the pork lady of KJB Farm. I know, those are eggs. I'm devoted to these eggs; they are consistently fresh and delicious. I don't recall ever getting a bad egg from KJB.
If you, like me, love food, check out your local market. Daytonians, make sure to check out the offerings at 2nd Street today. It's good, local fun.
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